Talkin’ Tauntauns - A Star Wars Discussion

Book Chat: Lost Stars

Episode Summary

We are back (after a bit of a delay)! And we have big show news, but first we are joined by avid Star Wars reader and event planner Robin Smith to talk Claudia's Gray's introduction to the Star Wars universe, Lost Stars. As for our news, we have decided to branch out on our own. We have a brand new website: and a new email address: Contact@TalkinTauntauns, and many exciting things that we are planning in the future.

Episode Notes

We are back (after a bit of a delay)! And we have big show news, but first we are joined by avid Star Wars reader and event planner Robin Smith to talk Claudia's Gray's introduction to the Star Wars universe, Lost Stars.  

As for our news, we have decided to branch out on our own. We have a brand new website: and a new email address:, and many exciting things that we are planning in the future.