Talkin’ Tauntauns - A Star Wars Discussion

The Clone Wars Rewatch 8: The Zilo Beast

Episode Summary

Our The Clone Wars rewatch has solidly hit season 2, with episodes 201: Holocron Heist, 202: Cargo of Doom, and 203: Children of the Force, all part of the Holocron Trilogy. Then we jump forward through the season to 217: Bounty Hunters, a standalone episode, and wrap up with 218: The Zilo Beast and 219: The Zilo Beast Strikes Back.

Episode Notes

Our The Clone Wars rewatch has solidly hit season 2, with episodes 201: Holocron Heist, 202: Cargo of Doom, and 203: Children of the Force, all part of the Holocron Trilogy. Then we jump forward through the season to 217: Bounty Hunters, a standalone episode, and wrap up with 218: The Zilo Beast and 219: The Zilo Beast Strikes Back.