Talkin’ Tauntauns - A Star Wars Discussion

The Empire Strikes Back

Episode Summary

Today we continue our periodic analysis of the Star Wars films with the second entry into the saga, Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. Joining us for the discussion is Stephen Holt, a friend of the show and MA based painter who JJ's known for 25 years! This seminal movie cemented the legacy that was to become the Star Wars franchise by going bigger and badder (i.e. more Vader), and presented us with something not a lot of sequels do, an original story continuation and not just a rehashing of the plot. Listen in as we discuss the crowd favorite.

Episode Notes

Today we continue our periodic analysis of the Star Wars films with the second entry into the saga, Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. Joining us for the discussion is Stephen Holt, a friend of the show and MA based painter who JJ's known for 25 years! This seminal movie cemented the legacy that was to become the Star Wars franchise by going bigger and badder (i.e. more Vader), and presented us with something not a lot of sequels do, an original story continuation and not just a rehashing of the plot. Listen in as we discuss the crowd favorite.